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Instructor Summary Report

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The Instructor Summary Report provides the mean scores for a given instructor, or instructors, from the common quantitative questions on the standard feedback form across the academic terms you select. The Instructor Summary Report can be accessed by selecting the Results > Instructor Summary Report menu option.

Please note, when creating an Instructor Summary Report, you must first select at least one academic term from the Projects field before any of the other fields are populated.

Options for creating an Instructor Summary Report include selecting one or many terms (from the Projects field), one or all instructors across all terms selected, which questions to generate means for, which course or all courses, and whether to aggregate means across all selected questions or show individual means for each question. Depending on the options selected, you can generate a PDF or excel version of the report.

The Instructor Summary Report interface.

Steps for Creating a Summary Report for One Instructor Across Time

To create an Instructor Summary Report for a single instructor across time, follow these steps.

  1. Click on the Project field. At the bottom of the window that opens, type course feedback in the Filter field and click Apply Filter. This will filter the list of terms to just the main Course Feedback terms with primary instructor data and filter out the Section/TA data: 

    Filtering the Course Feedback terms.
  2. Select the appropriate Course Feedback terms that you want data for. If you want all available terms for the instructor, click the checkbox to the left of Title to select all terms. Once the appropriate terms are selected, click Select.
  3. Click on the Instructor field. You can filter the list of instructors by entering the instructor's first name, last name, or email address in the appropriate fields at the bottom of the window that opens and then click Apply Filter.
  4. Once you locate the instructor, click on the instructor's name to select them. Their name should now appear in the Instructor field.
  5. Click on the Question field. You should only see the four common, quantitative questions for the main course feedback form listed. If there are more than four questions, you have likely selected a Section Feedback term in the Projects field and are seeing the quantitative questions from the Section/TA feedback form. If this is the case, you can go back and deselect any Section Feedback terms in the Projects field.
  6. Select the questions you would like the mean scores for and click Select.
  7. Click on the Group By Question field and select Show Question Individually.
  8. Leave all of the other fields with their default values.
  9. Click Search

That will generate an Excel file similar to the one below listing each course for that instructor on a separate row with the mean score for each question you selected, the number of students enrolled, the number of responses, the response rate, and a grand mean for each question across all of the courses.

Example of instructor summary report

Why are there zeros for some of the mean scores?

For the default learning goal question, "How well did you achieve the learning goals of this course?," prior to the Winter 2021 term if an instructor added a custom learning goal question in the previous system, the default learning goal question was not included on the course feedback form. Beginning in the Winter 2021 term with the move to the current course evaluation system, it was decided the default learning goal questions would always be included to provide more consistency across courses. If the summary report shows zero scores for the default learning goal prior to Winter 2021, it means the instructor added at least one custom learning goal question.

For the other three core common quantitative questions:

-How much did you learn from this course?
-Overall, how would you describe the quality of the instruction in this course?
-How organized was the course?

Due to the disruptions to teaching and learning at the end of the 2019-2020 Winter term, the COVID-19 Academic Continuity Group -- with approval from all school deans -- decided to remove numerical results related to those three core questions common to most student course evaluation forms. The results from these questions have been eliminated from the course evaluation system and will not appear in Course Reports or any other data downloads for the 2019-2020 Winter term.

Due to an error that occurred during the Spring 2020 course evaluation process, the three core questions were not included in the standard course form. This error originated when the results were removed from the Winter 2020 course evaluations and was inadvertently carried into the Spring 2020 form. As a result, those questions did not appear on the evaluation form that students submitted. We sincerely apologize for this error that resulted in this data not being collected. This was a main contributing factor for our finding a replacement system that we rolled out in the Winter 2021 term.

Steps for Creating a Summary Report for All Instructors for a Specific Term

With the Instructor Summary Report, you can also create a summary report for all instructors for a given term. These steps explain how to do that.

  1. Click on the Project field and select the specific term you want. You can also use the Filter field to search for a specific term. Once you locate it, click the checkbox next to the term and click Select.
  2. Leave the default value All Instructors in the Instructors field.
  3. Click on the Question field and select the questions you want data for.
  4. Click on the Group By Question field and select Show Questions Individually.
  5. Leave the default values for all of the other fields.
  6. Click Search.

That will generate a similar Excel file for all courses/instructors you have access to see data for. You can also generate this type of report for multiple terms by selecting more than one in the Project field.

Steps for Creating a Summary Rollup Report by Department

You can also create a summary rollup report across all courses/instructors for the department(s) you have access to.

  1. Click on the Project field and select the terms you would like the rollup data for.
  2. Leave the default value All Instructors in the Instructors field.
  3. Click on the Question field and select the questions you want data for.
  4. Click on the Group By field and select Hierarchy Level.
  5. Click on the Group By Question field and select Show Questions Individually.
  6. Leave the default values for all of the other fields.
  7. Click Search.

That will generate a similar Excel file with each department listed on a separate row per term with the values for student enrollments, responses, response rate, and mean scores rolled up for every course within that department. 

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