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Course Feedback Form

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The Course Feedback Form consists of a customizable section and a set of questions common to all evaluations. 

When customizing your question, consider questions that reflect your teaching situation or approaches. These can give you the best potential feedback.

See Customize Your Feedback for further instructions.

Customizable Questions

Answer Set

How well did you achieve this learning goal in this course? 

  • We recommend one to four learning goals, however, up to ten can be entered. 

Extremely well, Very Well, Slightly Well, Not well at all

How useful to you was this course element?

  • Instructor may identify up to five specific elements to evaluate, including lectures, sections, readings, problem sets, group project, final project, online component, textbook, and so on. 

Extremely useful, Very useful, Slightly useful, not useful at all

Optional faculty-posed questions

  • Up to three of each. (Open or closed.)

Closed-ended and open-ended options


Questions Common to All Evaluations

Answer Set

How well did you achieve the learning goals of this course?

Extremely well, Very Well, Slightly Well, Not well at all

About what percent of the class meetings (including discussions) did you attend in person?

Whole number percentage between 0 and 100

About what percent of the class meetings did you attend online?

Whole number percentage between 0 and 10

How much did you learn from this course?

A great deal, A lot, A moderate amount, A little, Nothing

Overall, how would you describe the quality of the instruction in this course?

Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor, Very Poor

What skills or knowledge did you learn or improve?


How many hours per week on average did you spend on this course (including class meetings)?

Whole number hours

How organized was this course?

Extremely organized, Very organized, Moderately organized, Slightly organized, Not organized at all

What would you like to say about this course to a student who is considering taking it in the future?

  • All comments are subject to Stanford's Terms of Use for Sites. Answers to this question will be viewable by other students, as well as instructors.


Would you like to provide any other comments about this course?



Responses to the question, "What would you like to say about this course to a student who is considering taking it in the future?" are released to Stanford students so they may share their experiences.

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