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Section Feedback Form

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When selecting questions, look for questions that reflect your teaching situation or approaches. These can give you the best potential feedback.

*Note: the name of the instructor being evaluated will appear with each question.

Information for customizing your feedback is available on Feedback for Assistants and Fellows.

Standard Questions

Answer Set

In what way did you interact with this instructor most?

Select: section meetings, lab, office hours, via a class website, via email, other

During the quarter, about how many hours on average per week did you interact with this instructor in section, class, lab, office hours, and other meetings?

Enter number of hours

How much did you learn from this instructor?

A great deal, a lot, a moderate amount, a little, nothing

Overall, how effective was the instruction you received from this instructor?

Extremely effective, Very effective, Moderately effective, Slightly effective, Not effective at all

What skills or knowledge did you learn or improve from this instructor?

Open-ended free-form text field.

Students can add three separate ideas for each question.

  • What aspects of this instructor's teaching were most helpful to you?

  • How can this instructor's teaching be improved?

Open-ended free-form text field.


Custom Questions

Answer Set

Choose up to three of the following closed-ended questions.

  • How prepared was this instructor for section meetings?

  • How clearly did this instructor present material?

  • How much did this instructor help you develop thinking skills?

  • How helpful to you were this instructor's comments on assignments?

  • How appropriate to your level of understanding were this instructor's explanations?

  • How effective was this instructor in leading discussion sections?

  • How effective was this instructor in leading labs?

  • How effective was this instructor in leading office hours?

  • How clearly did this instructor answer questions?

  • How often was this instructor available for consultation outside of class?

  • How engaging was this instructor in section meetings?

  • How clear were the criteria for the instructor's grading?

  • How effective was this instructor in creating a supportive environment for learning?

  • Was the pace of teaching by this instructor faster or slower than it should have been, or about right?

  • How effective was this instructor in providing guidance on assignments?

  • How effective was this instructor's section in helping you deepen your understanding of the course material?

  • How well organized were this instructor's section meetings?

  • How well did this instructor explain his or her expectations for you?

  • How well did this instructor encourage questions?

  • Which type of interaction with this instructor was most useful for you? [Open-ended]*

  • How effective was this instructor in facilitating discussions?

  • How approachable was this instructor for you?

  • How useful were the assignments from this instructor for your learning in the course?

  • How well did this instructor connect section activities to the goals of the course?

Most answers are based on a five-point answer set based on the question. For example: Extremely effective, Very effective, Moderately effective, Slightly effective, Not effective at all

  • *One question is in an open-ended format


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